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Cold Chain Logistics Project in the Border Area of Daxin County (Phase I)

2024-08-23| 轻工南宁| 0 Views

●  Capacity: The planned land area of this project is 14832.75 square meters, with a total floor area of 16034.39 square meters and a total land area of 5194.96 square meters. The total nominal volume of the cold storage is about 54909 cubic meters, and the total storage capacity is about 11000 tons.

●  Owner: Guangxi Yangli Agricultural Investment and Development Co., Ltd

●  Construction site: Daxin County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi

●  Project Overview: We are committed to creating a modern comprehensive cold chain logistics park that integrates transportation and logistics, freezing, refrigeration, processing, packaging and exhibition. The project introduces efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration equipment, information management software, three-dimensional warehousing facilities, and cold chain distribution vehicles to have B2B+O2O services. 

